Monday, March 31, 2014

Current Affairs Journal: First Entry

This post will serve as an introduction to my Current Affairs Journal. It will introduce you to the topic I chose and to the first few ideas as to which direction it might develop into.
The topic I have chosen for my CAJ is Forensic Technologies. Some of you might think that you have not yet heard of this topic before, but I can assure you that you did. You are most definitely familiar with this kind of technology, if you have seen a TV-series like “CSI: Miami” or any other show which tries to solve fictional crimes as a mean of entertainment for audiences. Forensics is the kind of science that has to do with the gathering, processing and evaluation of information found at a crime scene. This “information” I talk about could literally be everything: DNA, as found in e.g. hair, saliva or blood, or other kinds of evidence such as fingerprints, powders. liquids as well as plant residues. All this data is gathered by forensic scientists and analysed according to their physical or chemical properties. For now, I have decided to focus my CAJ on the chemical processes used to analyse said evidence in order to give a clearer insight into how these processes and chemical reactions work.

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