Wednesday, March 19, 2014

After-death avatars... why not??

Ever wished for a chance to haunt your family from the other side? A little bit of payback after walking into the light? Well, this is probably the closest you’ll ever get: Sign up now to create your own after-death avatar. Become immortal and make sure your family will still be able to communicate with an almost identical “you” when you’ve already kicked the bucket. So far, you might only be able to be talked to by your loved ones. But who knows, maybe in a couple of years time you’ll be able to do much more. Technology will develop further and maybe taking this step will be the foundation stone of making you TRULY immortal. So take your chance and get ready to become immortal.


  1. A chance to haunt loved ones? Is your target audience a certain Miss Wallner? ;-) Some nice use of language and an appropriate picture.

    1. A certain Miss Wallner approves of your comment >:D
