Monday, March 31, 2014

Current Affairs Journal: Second Entry

This is the 2nd entry for my Current Affairs Journal. After having made up my mind about my chosen topic for a while I have decided that forensic chemistry would be the subcategory I will most likely delve into. So far I have come up with two different ideas this journal could develop into. The one idea that I am very interested in is "Forensic Chemistry in Science Fiction". For this idea I'd pick certain scenes of e.g. BBC’s Sherlock (or use literature by Arthur Conan Doyle), analyse certain processes (like e.g. the analysis of urine to find out if it is free of any drugs) and explain in detail, how it is really done as opposed to shown in the series/books. This would mean that the journal would not only focus on forensic chemistry but also on other aspects like forensic botany, forensic toxicology or forensic serology: I simply want to try and focus on the chemical changes or chemical properties of the material (plants, fluids, blood,..) analysed. Chemical properties, for those who are unaware, are aspects that can only be described through a chemical change. This means that e.g. the chemical property of drug x would be a discoloration to green if it is mixed with substance y. The way the gathered evidence reacts to certain substances lets the forensic scientist know, or at least gives an indication as to what it could be. Currently I am trying to find such examples which then could be analysed and explained.
The second idea I am currently thinking about is "The future of Forensic Technologies". I am very intrigued by this idea because I would like to find out what might indeed be possible in the upcoming years. Are there new technologies already being developed? What is planned to make solving crime easier in the future? Like I said, this sounds very intriguing indeed...even though the explanation of this second idea is much much shorter ^^.
In my next post I’ll be introducing you to the topic which I will hopefully have chosen by then and start structuring my research (and journal).

Current Affairs Journal: First Entry

This post will serve as an introduction to my Current Affairs Journal. It will introduce you to the topic I chose and to the first few ideas as to which direction it might develop into.
The topic I have chosen for my CAJ is Forensic Technologies. Some of you might think that you have not yet heard of this topic before, but I can assure you that you did. You are most definitely familiar with this kind of technology, if you have seen a TV-series like “CSI: Miami” or any other show which tries to solve fictional crimes as a mean of entertainment for audiences. Forensics is the kind of science that has to do with the gathering, processing and evaluation of information found at a crime scene. This “information” I talk about could literally be everything: DNA, as found in e.g. hair, saliva or blood, or other kinds of evidence such as fingerprints, powders. liquids as well as plant residues. All this data is gathered by forensic scientists and analysed according to their physical or chemical properties. For now, I have decided to focus my CAJ on the chemical processes used to analyse said evidence in order to give a clearer insight into how these processes and chemical reactions work.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

After-death avatars... why not??

Ever wished for a chance to haunt your family from the other side? A little bit of payback after walking into the light? Well, this is probably the closest you’ll ever get: Sign up now to create your own after-death avatar. Become immortal and make sure your family will still be able to communicate with an almost identical “you” when you’ve already kicked the bucket. So far, you might only be able to be talked to by your loved ones. But who knows, maybe in a couple of years time you’ll be able to do much more. Technology will develop further and maybe taking this step will be the foundation stone of making you TRULY immortal. So take your chance and get ready to become immortal.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

A day in the life of ......

The last exciting day I experienced and that might turn this post into an at least fairly interesting read was the 25th of February. I spent this particular day, like the rest of the semester break, in my hometown in Carinthia. In comparison to Graz we were blessed with a great deal of snow and so my dad and I decided to go skiing for the first time in about five years. Having gathered all of our long lost skiing equipment, we drove to a ski resort first thing in the morning. We were fortunate because this day turned out to be the first sunny day in the whole of five weeks I have spent at home. Luckily, I also didn't forget any of my skiing skills and managed to race down the slopes without harming any of the other skiers. After a couple of hours we headed back home to finish my carnival project before it got dark. As I decided to dress as Loki, the god of mischief, for the carnival parade this year, I had to craft at least part of the costume myself. My dad decided to help me out and we built Loki’s helmet together. We worked through the better part of the afternoon and evening but unfortunately we weren’t able to finish it on time. Still, it was a day I spent with my dad and that is why it was worth every second.