Thursday, May 15, 2014

How to kill Hitler

This set of instructions will act as a helpful “how-to” guide for all of you people coming from the future to kill Hitler. It will explain all the necessary information you need to eliminate Hitler once and for all and help you change history for the better.

What you need:

  1. A well-functioning time machine or a tardis
  2. Knowledge about World War I and World War II
  3. A great deal of determination

1.      Get your hands on one of the hopefully already existing time machines or tardises. If humanity hasn’t yet managed to build a time machine, simply go ahead and build one yourself.

2.      Make up your mind about which of the two options you prefer: Killing Hitler back in 1915 or killing him in 1933. If you decide to travel back to 1915, go straight to step three. If you choose 1933, skip the next three steps.
3.      Find out everything about Hitler’s time fighting in World War I.
4.      Travel back through time and space until you reach the year 1915. Become a soldier in World War I and get friends with Hitler.
5.      When an opportunity presents itself, shoot Hitler on the battlefield.

6.      In case you decided to travel back in time to 1933, think about whether you would prefer to plan Hitler’s assassination yourself or if you’d like to help someone else kill Hitler. If the latter is the case, go straight to step eleven.
7.      If you decided to stick to your own plan, find a way to become one of Hitler’s trusted advisers.
8.       Gain his trust. Then, think about which of the two options would be more likely to annihilate Hitler without any room for mistakes: a gun or a bomb.
9.      Make sure that there is absolutely nothing that could possibly go wrong with your plan.
10.  Then, shoot or blow up Hitler when he least expects it.
11.  If you decided to help someone kill Hitler, get in touch with a man called Karl Lutter.
12.  Join Lutter and the KDP.
13.  Find the people who betrayed Lutter and stopped him from killing Hitler. Now, kill them.
14.   If you successfully completed the prior step , Lutter’s assassination attempt will succeed and he’ll kill Hitler for you.
15.  Now that your mission is complete, hurry back to your time machine/tardis and get back home before anybody notices that you might have just changed the course of history for the better…or did the opposite.

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