Sunday, December 15, 2013

Academic Paper - My progress so far

My academic paper is currently in its second stage of development: Research. I have already found a decent structure for my text and have (luckily!) already started searching for helpful sources a few weeks ago. I found most of the information on EU websites and the official “MEDIA 2007 website. Also, I came across two papers closely related to my topic which might be very useful.  Still, there are a few topics that are not yet covered. For that reason I have started doing some more research  in order to find academic texts that might be of assistance while writing this paper.

As my topic is EU funding for audiovisual data, the paper will focus on the different funding programmes but also on the change Europe underwent due to funding. This particular section of the text is the one that will probably cause the most difficulties. I am a little worried that I won’t be able to find enough sources for this subtopic. So far, I haven’t found a good paper, statistics or texts that could give me enough information to formulate a couple of paragraphs. This problem  is generally the thing I am most afraid of when it comes to writing this academic text: Finding too little information to write a decent paper. 

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