Monday, November 18, 2013

Comment on "Tackling Crisis"

Tackling crisis

  Europe is in the deflation crisis, which influences the rise of debt. Moreover, the history of mankind has experienced this problem before. Sometimes deflation may be lethal for economy, when debts exceed the margin of 300pc. Generally, in Western Europe inflation is not perfect, 2pc which even deteriorates the case. Denmark is close to finding itself in deflation, so is Sweden.

With a downward shift in inflation, countries like Italy and Spain may be in a ‘’runaway debt’’. In Italy, for example, unemployment is already very high, and private debt there and in other EU members like France, Portugal keeps on rising by more than 100%.

Indeed, most of the countries could still be rescued by boosting inflation rate. Europe would not have to end up with Japanese-style deflation and with a burden of damaged private sector. Hence, the inflation may not fall below 2pc. With flat inflation, close to 0, even a stable country like Germany is at risk. 

 Club Med allies could also unite and demand appropriate action from Germany. By making bilateral decisions countries could achieve more. Hopefully, deflation will leave Europe in short. Global growth is a valid reason to keep waiting, but it is not how responsible economy should behave.

[203 Words]

 Comment on "Tackling Crisis"

As a part of this week’s homework we had to correct a summary written by one of our fellow classmates. The text I chose is called “Tackling crisis” and to my mind, it still requires quite a bit of improving. Firstly, the author forgot to mention the title of the text the summary is based on, the name of the newspaper and the date of publication. The vocabulary used in the text is quite formal but there are still a couple of flaws, namely the use of e.g. “so” and “like”, instead of more formal expressions. Another word that should not be used in a summary is “hopefully” because it conveys the author’s opinion. A summary needs to be objective and therefore you can’t include your personal outlook on the topic.  I also managed to find some minor mistakes such as missing words or the incorrect choice of articles. The biggest flaw of the text, though, is its incoherence. The sentences of almost every paragraph don’t fit together logically and therefore the structure gets very confusing. The first paragraph is especially messy and all of them put together don’t succeed in bringing out the main topic, but create confusion.

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