Holi, also known as Phagwah, is the world-wide known festival of colors which is celebrated annually in India as well as in Nepal. It takes place at almost the same time every year (in February or March) and this year it started on the 27 of March. It normally lasts between two to ten days and is mainly celebrated in the North of India but it is still known under different names in other parts of the country. For Hindus, these days are simply the most special ones of the year. They honor the spring and the triumph of the good over the evil.
The most important day of this festival is the second day, when people use Gulal, which is scented powder or tinted water, to throw at each other in order to celebrate the arrival of spring and its abundant colors. In the past the powder was usually made of roots, flowers, blossoms or herbs but today it can be very harmful because it is produced synthetically. After the powder has been consecrated at an altar the Indians come together in a parade where they then celebrate by throwing powder through the air. Everybody takes the opportunity to celebrate because the social conditions, one’s sex and age all don’t matter on that day because it is a very important celebration for everybody.
The festival has now spread itself out into the world and is no longer only celebrated in India or Nepal. The UK, South Africa, Fiji, America and a great deal of other countries have also started to organize the festival of colors. Also Austria has decided to stage this event for the very first time this year. I actually think that it is a good idea because it gives people the opportunity to experience foreign traditions and learn to appreciate them. For those who are concerned that people might only consider it as a day to party and get drunk: don’t worry! Luckily, it is forbidden to bring alcohol or any kind of drugs to the festival and so it can only be about celebrating spring.
“So what is it about then? What do you do?” some of you might wonder now. In my point of view it is the best opportunity to be with your friends and family and to try out something new and different from what we experience in our daily lives. It is all about the time you spend together with your beloveds and the beautiful pictures and scenes that will display before your eyes when everybody throws powder through the air at the same time. For me personally though, Holi is especially interesting because of the pictures one can take. I am very interested in photography and that is why I will most probably attend the festival when it takes place this year. For me it will all be about being with my family and capturing the perfect moment in front of my camera lens.